Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Minims Proxymetacaine and Fluorescein


Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein

Proxymetacaine Hydrochloride

BP 0.5% w/v and Fluorescein Sodium BP 0.25% w/v

About Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein

The name of this medicine is Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein. Each Minims unit contains proxymetacaine hydrochloride in a concentration of 0.5% w/v and fluorescein sodium in a concentration of 0.25% w/v. The solution also contains purified water, providone K30, sodium hydroxide and hydrochlorid acid. Each Minims unit is a sterile, single-use container which holds approximately 0.5ml of solution. Each carton contains 20 Minims units. Proxymetacaine is a local anaesthetic which temporarily numbs the surface of the eye. Fluorescein temporarily colours your eyes orange or green and helps your doctor or eye specialist to examine them.

Who makes Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein ?

Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein is manufactured by

Laboratoire Chauvin S.A. ZI Ripotier,



The Marketing Authorisations for Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein (PL 0033/0152) is held by

Chauvin Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

106 London Road,




What is Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein?

Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein is used to numb and stain the surface of the eye, for a short time only, to allow a variety of procedures to be performed. Most often, Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein is used to allow your doctor or eye specialist to measure the pressure inside your eye or to perform minor operations such as the removal of foreign bodies. This product is not intended for use as a long term treatment for painful eye conditions.

Before using Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein

Are you allergic to any of the substances mentioned in the section "About Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein"?

Do you suffer from heart disease?

Do you have an over-active thyroid gland?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should tell your doctor or eye specialist before using this product.

If you are pregnant (or think you might be) or if you are breast feeding, you should tell your doctor or eye specialist before Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein is used. You may still receive this eye drop but it is possible that an alternative may be used.

Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein may cause mild stinging when the drops are first added. You sight may also become blurred for a short time. Make sure that you do not drive or operate machinery until your sight has returned to normal.

Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein is not intended for long term use. Frequent use of local anaesthetic in the eye over long periods of time may affect your eyesight.

This product should not be used in premature babies.

Using Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein

The doctor or eye specialist will put the drops in for you. One or two drops will be instilled into your eye immediately before the procedure. You may be asked to press on the inner corners of your eyes for a minute to stop the solution draining into your nose and throat, through the tear ducts.

Your eye will remain numb for up to 30 minutes. It is important not to rub your eye and to keep it free of dust during the time your eye is numb.

Your doctor or eye specialist will make sure that your eye is properly protected.

If too much stain has been put in to your eye it may be washed away using a sterile saline solution.

The Minims unit should be thrown away after a single use, even if some solution remains.

It is very unlikely that you will suffer an overdose from Minims.

Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein, but if you suddenly feel unwell after receiving the drops, tell your doctort or eye specialist.

After using Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein

Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein may cause allergic reaction wich have occasionally occured. These can affect the cornea (the clear membrane covering the front of the eye) and the iris. Your doctor or eye specialist will be able to tell you if an allergic reaction occurs. Other possible side effects which are very rare, include redness and irriatation of the eye, swelling around the eye, rarely difficulty in breathing and symptoms of shock and itchy skin rash with raised eye blotches.

Tell your doctor or eye specialist if you suffer from any unwanted effects after using Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluoresceinthat are not mentioned in this leaflet.

Storing Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein

  • The expiry date is printed on each Minims unit overwrap and on the carton label. Do not use it after this date.

  • Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein should be stored in a refrigerator at 2-8°C and prevented from freezing.

  • If necessary, the product may be stored at temperatures not exceeding 25°C for up to 1 month only, in which case a label bearing the relevant expiry date will be affixed to the carton label.

This leaflet applies to Minims Proxymetacaine & Fluorescein only, but it does not contain all the information that is known about it. If you have any questions or are not sure about anything, ask a doctor, eye specialist or pharmacist.

* Trade Mark

Date of Preparation: January 1999.

Date of Partial Revision: August 2005.

Chauvin Pharmaceuticals Ltd

106 London Road




Tel:020 8781 2900

Fax:020 8781 2901

Art.76439 0504107/4

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